In trying and uncertain times like these, creativity is a must. I decided to offer 15 minute photo sessions on front porches. Isolation attire recommended. Interested? Drop me a line!
I promise to wear my mask and keep a minimum of 6 feet away. Let’s get weird!
Sidebar: After I blasted my ad all over the social networks, I realized I misspelled quarantine. So upsetting. But I promise I’m a better photographer than I am a speller. Also, pretty mad at Photoshop for not catching my spelling mistake. I thought we were friends.
Stay sane out there,

As a photographer and writer, it surprises me that blogging is not something I often do. “Blogging more” has been a new years resolution for a few years. My friend Heather would say I haven’t achieved this goal because it’s not measurable. She would say instead of saying I want to “blog more” I need to say “I want to blog once a month.”
So. Starting now I pledge to blog once a month! As I type this I believe I will most likely fail. Maybe I should shoot for 4 times a year instead? No, no. Big goals, big results.
I’ve taken a passive role in my business since I successfully got pregnant last year. It’s time to shake off the dust and shout to the world – I am here! In a media-drenched world where everyone is a photographer, standing out can be difficult. It can also be super depressing. And recently that has made me recoil, instead of ignite. But I’m feeling that old feisty-feeling again (thanks Tiger King!) and hopefully I can ride this wave of self-confidence all the way to the bank.
It does feel good just to type again. I feel this lack of social interacting has made my brain mushy. For example I keep forgetting to close the greenhouse at night (sorry lettuce!). I also keep forgetting which breast I last fed my daughter on. I need a better system. (Am I rambling or is this the greatest post ever? …I recently finished reading Mindy Kaling’s “Why Not Me?” and I feel like I’m channeling her a bit with this post. But definitely less funny..)
This blog post has been weeks in the making. I thought being stuck at home would provide amble time for blogging and website maintenance. But as it turns out my a 6-month-old really knows how to fill up a day quickly.
Now to the point..
I love family photos. I love capturing moments in time when teeth are missing, or to memorialize a family vacation, or welcoming new animals to the farm.
What’s more, I love candid family photos. (As a trained photojournalist I will always prefer candid photos.) I like to start family sessions with a few posed photos, but then once we’re all feeling loose I like to step back and follow you around (in the least creepy way possible) to capture you as a family, naturally.
For all the small giggles, spontaneous snowball fights and quick embraces that are shared. These moments are best captured without direction, correction or guidance. I love capturing the “off-camera” moments. The moments not prepared for documentation. The moments that are not “picture-ready.”
Below are just a few of my favorite candid photos from the past few years. If you like seeing your in between moments captured, drop me a line. And once we can be within 6 feet of each other again, I would love to photograph you and your family.
Side note: I’ve considered offering socially-distant sessions, but I feel the intimacy would be lost if I stood at a 6-foot distance and used my telephoto lens.. Plus, I really like to get in close.
Thanks for looking! Stay safe and healthy out there friends.
Until we can greet again, I’m sending you love, hugs and smiles.
All my best,
2019 will always be the year I became a mother. An experience I’ve wanted — with varying degrees of certainty and longing — for as long as I can remember. Meeting our daughter was the single greatest moment of both our lives. My heart grew like the Grinch, and it continues to expand each day.
In an attempt to tackle a bucket list item pre-baby, my husband and I road tripped to California. He had never been. We biked through the Redwoods, swam in the Pacific Ocean, rode on and under the Golden Gate Bridge, we saw sea lions, elk and seals and Monument Valley at sunset. It was a perfect trip.
I also had my very first art show, performed another comedy routine about trying to conceive (while being pregnant) and I visited my home state of Vermont.
Professionally, I photographed weddings in Salida, Gunnison, Crested Butte, Estes Park, Nathrop, Beaver Creek and New York City! I photographed babies, friends, celebrations, achievements, anniversaries, reunions, events, products and new construction.
Below is a smattering of some of those wonderful and beautiful moments (Dílse excluded) from this past year. Thanks for looking! Happy 2020 to you all.
Big love, Cailey

My first trip to Ireland was in 2006. I went 6 times between 2006 and 2010. Then I moved West to Colorado and was unable to return for 6 long years. It was brutal.
In 2016, I ended the drought when I brought my fiancé. I felt strongly that A. He needed to meet my other family and B. He needed to experience the place that captivates my soul. We rented bikes and toured around Connemara for a week. We planned nothing but our start and end. Everyday we were too tired to go further, we’d stumble upon a bed and breakfast next to a pub. It could not have worked out more perfectly. (My husband now trusts me to “unplan” all of our vacations.)
Last November I returned for my friend, Saoirse’s wedding. I had always promised to cross the Atlantic for weddings. My husband could not come with me, as he is a school teacher. So I went for two weeks and rented a car for the first time! Having my own transportation was a game-changer. I went for long drives with my camera, I visited friends, and I drove to Dublin (cross country) all by myself. It was incredibly freeing and challenging.
Below are a combination of my favorite photos from both trips. Nearly all of these photos will also be on display in an art show entitled “Is tú mo chuisle.” It means “You are my pulse” in Irish. (I got it tattooed on my arm this last trip.)
My art opening will be this Friday Feb. 8 at Sutty’s Downtown Records and Arts in Salida. The work will be on display for three weeks. This is my first art show ever. I’m pretty nervous/excited.
Thank you for looking!
And when I say seniors, (there’s been some confusion) I mean high school seniors, not the elderly..
I love photographing seniors. The world is our oyster for one hour. We can do anything your heart desires. We can go to multiple locations, change outfits, play with paint.. let’s go WILD!
Seniors, like what you see? Let’s grab a non-alcoholic drink and talk about it! You can call or text 719-203-1994 or email
Thanks for looking,
2017 was a great year for Phreckles! I made many new friends, danced to music, celebrated love (near and far), and documented cherished memories. Here are just a few of my favorite photos and moments from the past year – there were HUNDREDS. Thanks for your support! See you in 2018!!
Much love,
Cailey “Phreckles” McDermott
Deb and Ryan worked for months on their backyard, because that’s where they held their intimate wedding ceremony. The Salida couple kept it simple, sweet and sincere. It was a perfect day for a backyard wedding.
After the ceremony, more friends were invited to partake in the reception – which was in the front yard and the street. They got a street closure from the city for a few hours. Friends showed up on bikes, ate food, and danced the evening away. It was one of the easiest weddings I’ve done in some time. Everyone was so relaxed, there was very little formality or traditionally involved. I loved it.
Thanks for letting me in, friends!
Catering: Kalamatapit Catering
Ceremony Music: Matthew and Andrea Coen (members of Big Meadow)
Scott and Brian exchanged vows at their family cabin in Nathrop, CO. They planned a full weekend of events for their visiting friends and family. They even handed out a “Gay Wedding Survival Pack” to everyone. They clearly have a great sense of humor. Their friend and chef, Biju, of Buji’s Little Cury Shop in Denver, cooked all the meals for the weekend – including the fantastic wedding dinner.
The fabulous team at Align Lifestyle Management planned the entire weekend – with a little insider help from yours truly.
Flowers: Rancho Verde Flowers, Nathrop.
White chairs, farm tables and barrels: Settings Event Rental, Salida.
Cake: Family member
Food: Buji – Buji’s Little Curry Shop
Thanks for looking and enjoy!
Jodi and Claude are the ultimate adventure couple. They participate (and excel) in every outdoor recreation imaginable. For example, I once ran into Jodi at the top of the Monarch Crest Trail. Once she got on her bike, I never saw her again. Jodi and Claude live in Salida and are always down for a mountain bike, whitewater trip, hike or a climb. Their wedding was no exception.
They invited all their friends to raft down Browns Canyon to their wedding reception. But first, a pit-stop at Jump Rock to change, say their vows and “take the plunge.” Jodi went through the whitewater section on a standup paddle board. #beastmode. After Jump Rock, Jodi SUP’d in her long “river dress.” She’s really impressive.
Once the entire caravan of SUPs, kayaks and rafts made it to the reception spot, Hecla Junction, there was a quick change, (a longer change for the bride) and then the ceremony took place. The entire day was perfectly organized chaos. The weather was fantastic, the company splendid and the moods jolly. Definitely one of the most memorable weddings I’ve witnessed.
Planning a non-traditional wedding? Let’s grab a drink and chat. Out-of-the-box ideas are my favorite.
Maggie and Zach eloped to Mt. Princeton Hot Springs and Resort. They had a short and sweet ceremony, and then we took some pictures around the resort. The couple planned on soaking a bit, then going jeeping and having a bit of a holiday while in Chaffee County. They said their elopement was perfect. I think Maggie’s shoes were perfect. That pop of color! I really dig it.
The newlyweds had a reception back East when they returned home.
Planning an elopement? Let’s grab a drink and chat.
Sometimes I blog! Check it out here..